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Archive for ‘May 2010’

Who will pay for this disaster?

BP(Beyond Petroleum) or its known old name British Petrol is the 4th biggest company in the world with 367 billion USD revenue, 21.1 billion USD profit. BP has 97,600 employees and their headquarters is in London.

BP doesn't only consist of petrol stations that we can always see on the side of the roads. BP Group is also the owner of well-known world brands such as BP, Aral, Astro, Castrol etc. but more importantly they are doing large scale operations such as finding, extracting oil, moving the oil that they find on earth with a large scale projects such as the Baku-Ceyhan Pipeline and refining oil in the huge refineries that they own. These activities make BP the 4th biggest company of the world.

So, is this giant petroleum corporation really environmentally friendly as they promote it in their website or an evil company that is consuming world resources and harming earth?

BP has lot's of oil searching and extracting platforms around the world. One of them is in the Gulf of Mexico. This platform executed by Transocean under BP supervision. On April 20th, an explosion started massive ongoing oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, now considered the largest offshore spill in U.S. history. The explosion killed 11 platform workers and injured 17 others. Since then BP hasn't been able to close the hole in the blowout preventer valves to stop the oil spillage in the Gulf of Mexico. Oil is still leaking to the sea for more than a month and according to some news, BP might not be able to stop the leaking by August 2010.

In a permit submitted May 13, 2010, BP estimated a worst case spill of 240,000 barrels (10,000,000 US gallons; 38,000,000 litres) per day for each of the two relief wells that are being drilled in an attempt to stop the uncontrolled release.

Obviously this environment disaster affects a lot of people and speices that lives at the Gulf of Mexico. The most important question is how will BP pay for this or is there enough money to pay worth of destroying a specie in that region? I personally want BP to be punished with an astronomic fine and collapse. It might be a good lesson for all other petroleum companies to understand there are a consequence's to harming the earth.

Euro 2016 Adaylığı Ve Sonrası Yorumlar

EURO 2016 icin aday olmustu Turkiye. Daha onceki Avrupa Sampiyonasi yada Olimpiyat organizasyonu adayliklarimizi cok net olarak hatirlamasam da herhalde bu organizasyon icin adaylik sureci cok iyi bir sekilde yurutuldu. Bidde belirtilen stadyum projelerinin gercekligi ne kadar tartisilacak konumda olsa da basarili bir sekilde hazirlanmisti bircok proje. Tabi, Kayseri’nin organizasyona ev sahipligi yapacak en dogudaki Turkiye ili olmasi, Trabzon’un aday kentler arasinda gosterilmiyor olmasi, Bursa’daki stadyum projesinin Bursa Buyuksehir Belediyesi’nin gundeme getirdigi projelerden farkli olmasi gibi elestirilecek bir cok noktasi olmasina ragmen adayligin son gunune kadar cok guzel bir sekilde gelindi. Benim de okudugum UEFA’nin raporunda Turkiye’nin ozellikle sehirler arasi karayolu ulasimiyla ilgili ve havaalanlarinin kapasiteleriyle ilgili cekinceleri de bulunuyordu. Bunun yaninda sosyal sorumluluk ve cevre ile ilgili daha net bir vizyon cizmesi istenmisti. Ek olarak sadece 2 stadmun mevcutta bulunmasi ve ancak 1 tanesinin yapimina baslanmis olmasi, diger stadyumlarin sadece bir maketten ibaret olmasi eksi olarak yaziyordu puan hanemize.

Fransa’nin adaylik bidinde bulunan bircok stadyumun hali hazirda bulunan stadlar olmasi ve daha onemlisi Turkiye’nin en zayif noktasi olan sehirler arasindaki karayolu ve demiryollarinin Fransa’nin en onemli guclu yanlarinin olmasi bizlerin isini zorlastiriyordu.

Neticede daha cok isteyen bizler degil, projeleriyle daha hazir durumda olan Fransa Euro 2016′ya ev sahipligi yapacak. Umuyorum ki devlet kademesinde verilen sampiyonayi alamasak bile bu projelerin gerceklestirilecegi sozu tutulur, bizler de bu guzel tesislere kavusuruz.

Ancak konusulmasi gereken nokta, neden kaybettigimiz zaman ayaga kalkip alkislamayi bilemiyoruz biz? Ne zaman ki kaybetsek kesin bunun arkasinda donen bir dolap vardir. Bizi sevmeyenler, cekemeyenler vardir. Fenerbahce’nin sampiyon olamadigi zaman rakibimiz bizden daha iyi degildi demek yerine suclayacak adam arayan Aziz Yildirim gibi hemen zaten bize vermezler edebiyatina basladik bile. Zaten bizi Avrupali olarak gormuyorlar, Musluman oldugumuz icin bize vermiyorlar, UEFA Baskani Platini Fransiz oldugu icin turnuvayi Fransa kazandi vs… Platini kendi ulkesi aday oldugu icin oylamaya bile katilmadi Senez Erzik gibi. Turkiye’nin turnuvayi alamamasinin en buyuk nedeninin ozellikle karayolu, demiryolu ulasiminda cok yetersiz oldugu, havaalanlarimizin da yeterli kapasiteye sahip olmadigini dusunuyorum ben de.

Artik fakir edebiyatini birakip bundan sonra basvuracagimiz organizasyonlar icin bu adaylik surecinden dersler cikarip, eksiklerimizi giderirsek o zaman 2020 Avrupa Sampiyonasi da duzenleyebiliriz, hatta belki bir gun olimpiyatlari da...

Winter in Wellington

When I applied for AIESEC New Zealand Member Committee I thought that New Zealand is a tropical country in the north of Australia, somewhere in Pacific. Apparently I am not really good at geography as I thought Cambodia is in Africa, Sri Lanka in Asia. Hang on, it’s in Asia. I’m confused again.

Anyway when I arrived in New Zealand in the end of August, it was autumn and pretty cold. I was very disappointed as I was expecting the 4 seasons to be sunny and tropical but it was time to face reality. Luckily November, December and January is summer but it's always windy in Wellington. In the southern hemisphere, seasons are exactly opposite of the northern hemisphere and winter has already started in New Zealand. The average temperature is around 10 degrees on May and getting colder.

The biggest problem is not temperature. Istanbul is much colder than Wellington in the winter but New Zealanders haven’t heard about the word “Insulation” in the buildings. It’s very difficult to see a house with double glasses and the worst is there is no central heating system in the houses. It’s usually possible to feel Wellington’s blowing wind inside of the house.

If anyone wants to come to New Zealand choose cities in the North like Auckland or come here in summer while everybody is freezing in northern hemisphere.

Orca Rescue

I love how people in New Zealand love nature and everything in nature. It’s hard to understand how someone can ignore peoples lives while someone is trying to save animals.
65 miners had died in the last 3 months in Turkey and our Prime minister declared that; it’s the fate of this occupation. However aerating and early warning systems coast roughly 250.000€. That can reduce accidents by 95%. So, it shouldn’t be fate to invest for labour safety. While we were talking about our miners fate some other people were trying to change fate.

Orcas known as killer whales are one of the whale species that lives in New Zealand. Even though they known as killer whales they are not considered a threat to humans. As they are Besiktas supporters with white spots on their black body they look more sympathetic to me. There is an orca research in Northland, New Zealand that we can visit on

This orca was chasing something, gone to beach and was stranded over there. Fortunately Dr. Ingrid Wisser who is an orca researcher and her team tried to help this orca to meet his family again. Obviously it’s not easy to save a 6 tons whale struggling go back to ocean again but the result is amazing.

Dag Basini Duman Almis

Bugun alisverise gidip ayiptir soylemesi bayagi bir alisveris yaptik kitliktan cikmis gormemisler gibi. Zaten Turkiye’de et fiyatlarina zam gelmisken kilosu NZD 9.99$’a biftek almak da pek iyi geldi ama konu bu degil.

Neyse ayiptir soylemesi konserveleri yerlestirirken raflara bir islik tutturmusum gidiyorum “Dag basini duman almis, gumus dere durmaz akar, gunes ufuktan simdi dogar, yuruyelim arkadaslar laylalaylaylayla” o sirada Freyja(Izlanda’li ev arkadasim) ben bu sarkiyi biliyorum dedi. Yok dedim oyle sey mi olur. Bu bizim milli marslarimizdandir, ilkokulda, ortaokulda ve hatta lisede hep okurduk, Bagdat Caddesi’ne fener alayina giderdik soylerdik, yetmezdi milli maclarda bile takim 2-0 one gecince hep soylenirdi. Bizim milli marsimiz bu sarki nereden bileceksin. Sonrasinda internette yapilan kisa arastirmadan sonra alttaki Izlanda’ca halk sarkisini buluverdik.

Garip degil mi? Benim de ilk anda inanasim gelmese de bizim Genclik Marsi megersem Izlanda’ca bir sarkiymis. Hatta biraz daha arastirma yapinca su bilgileri de buldum.

‘Dağ Başını Duman Almış’ marşının orjinali, 1904 yılında Feli-Körling tarafından bestelenmiş. İsveç halk şarkısının (Tre Trallande Jantör/En Glad Trall (Şakıyan Kızlar/Yoldaki Üç Kız) diye iki adı var. Selim Sırrı Tarcan 1909 yılında İsveç’te duyduğu bu şarkının müziğini çok beğenip Türkiye’ye getirmiş. İstanbul Erkek Muallim Mektebi öğretmeni şair Ali Ulvi Bey bu şarkıya 1915′te güfte yazmış.
İlk kez 1916 yılında İstanbul Erkek Muallim Mektebi’nin beden eğitimi gösterisinde söylenen bu marşı duyan Mustafa Kemal de çok beğenmiş.
Atatürk, Kurtuluş Savaşı’nı başlatmak için Samsun’a çıktıktan sonra, bu şarkıyı silah arkadaşlarına öğretmiş. Cumhuriyet’in ilanından sonra da şarkı ‘Gençlik Marşı’na dönüşmüş.
‘Dağ Başını Duman Almış’ marşının orjinali, 1904 yılında Feli-Körling tarafından bestelenmiş. İsveç halk şarkısının (Tre Trallande Jantör/En Glad Trall (Şakıyan Kızlar/Yoldaki Üç Kız) diye iki adı var. Selim Sırrı Tarcan 1909 yılında İsveç’te duyduğu bu şarkının müziğini çok beğenip Türkiye’ye getirmiş. İstanbul Erkek Muallim Mektebi öğretmeni şair Ali Ulvi Bey bu şarkıya 1915′te güfte yazmış.İlk kez 1916 yılında İstanbul Erkek Muallim Mektebi’nin beden eğitimi gösterisinde söylenen bu marşı duyan Mustafa Kemal de çok beğenmiş.Atatürk, Kurtuluş Savaşı’nı başlatmak için Samsun’a çıktıktan sonra, bu şarkıyı silah arkadaşlarına öğretmiş. Cumhuriyet’in ilanından sonra da şarkı ‘Gençlik Marşı’na dönüşmüş.

Iste, benim Genclik Marsi’nin orjinaliyle tanismam bu ilginc hikayeyle oldu. Neyse biz yine bildigimiz orjinalini dinleyelim Genclik Marsi’nin. Yine kabariverdi milliyetcilik duygularim

Destination North Korea

North Korea is one of the most interesting place in earth for lot’s of people as nobody knows what is in. The last Stalinist country is very mysterious place. While I was researching about it I had feeling to read George Orwel’s 1984′s again.

Korea was divided into Soviet and American occupied zones in 1945, following the end of World War II. Even though North and South Korea speak same language they have very different management style and lives in their countries. Regardless South Korea is 15th biggest economy North Korea economy is completely nationalized. North Korea led by dictator Jong-il since the 1994 death of his father, founding leader Kim Il-sung.

Some facts about North Korea

North Korea is one of the 5 states that managed by communist parties beside China, Cuba, Vietnam and Laos.
Full name is Democratic People’s Republic of North Korea(DPRK). DPRK is a democratic republic and “Democratic Front for the Reunification of the Fatherland” was voted 99,98% in last elections.
North Korean citizens can not freely travel around the country or go abroad.The only way to go abroad is escape from country.
Ordinary citizens do not have private telephone lines and internet connection. The only way to get information is watching the only TV channel that own by government.
Economy is completely nationalized, which means that food rations, housing, healthcare, and education is offered from the state for free. The payment of taxes has been abolished since 1974 but 3 million people die hunger related illness between 1995-1998
Military gets over a third of the state budget.
20% of men aged 17–54 in the regular armed forces
It’s almost impossible to obtain a visa for US, Japan and S.Korea citizen.
North Korea claims to have an arsenal of weapons of mass destruction and possess nuclear weapons. North Korea also conduct uranium enrichment program.
World larges stadium is “Rungrado May Day Stadium” in the capital city Pyongyang with 150.000 seats capacity used for “Mass Gymnastic Arirang”
Almost all the statistics and informations are top secret in case enemy powers can capture these informations
According to “Official Webpage of DPRK” Korean Friendship Association and International Korean Business Centre are organizing tours in the certain times of the year.

Forexample Korean Friendship Association (KFA) organizes a trip to the DPR of Korea (North Korea) from 7th October to 16th October 2010 on the special occasion of the Anniversary of the Worker’s Party of Korea where special activities will be on display, including Mass Gymnastics show ARIRANG with more than 100.000 performers. All passports are invited to apply except Republic of Korea (South Korea) and Japan due to special protocol in bilateral relations.

The number of visitors is limited to 2o person each tour and price is 1850€ for KFA Card holder that coast 50€. Price include 1 night in a 3 stars hotel in Beijing, 9 nights in a 3 stars hotel in North Korea. It also include North Korea tour with a guide. (As we can’t travel by ourselves in the state following guide is mandatory)

It looks very attractive tour. I want to discover North Korea so bad. Who want to join?

You can watch the video about North Korea here

Flash Of Genius

I don’t remember where did I hear about this movie but it was in my One Note movies to watch list.

Flash of Genius is the story of a college professor, Dr. Robert Kearns’s legal battle against the giant corporation, Ford Motor Company. In the 1960′s had invented intermittent windscreen wiper. Then Ford Motor company stole his idea and start to manifacturing that product in their factory without his permission. When Dr. Robert Kearns found out Ford Motor Company stole his invention he decided to sue them. Obviously it wasn’t easy to win this court case against to a giant corporation.

Dr. Robert Kearns’s real story reminds us of some values that are more important them money such as honour, justice and struggling to do right things even though you have to reject million dollars.


Daha blog’a yeni baslamisken siyasetle ilgili yazmaya hemen baslamak istemiyordum. Gezip gorduklerimle, gozlemlediklerimle ilgili yazilar yazmak istemistim ancak dun gerceklesen CHP kurultayi uzun zaman sonra beni Turkiye’den umudu kesmek icin erken oldugu konusunda ikna etti ve ben de yazmaya karar verdim.

Deniz Baykal, ne de guzel soylemisti gerceklesen komplo sonrasinda her seyde bir hayir vardir diye. Tam da Deniz Baykal sadece cumhuriyet ve laiklik uzerine sıkışmış CHP muhalefetinin halkin buyuk bolumunu tatmin etmedigini gorup muhalefet cizgisini ekonomi uzerine tasimaya basladigi anda CHP yukselisi gerceklesmeye baslarken CHP’yi bitirmek icin gerceklestirilen bu hain komploTurkiye solunu birlestirici bir umut oluverdi.

Kilicdaroglu yaptigi Genel Baskanlik konusmasinda CHP’nin sosyal demokrat, halkci kimliginin ana strateji olarak secilecegini gosterdi. Burada halkcilik soylemlerinin yaninda AKP iktidarinin kadrolasma ve yolsuzluklar konusunda kendine ceki duzen vermesi gerekecegi de cok acik.

Zulfu Livaneli’nin de yazisinda belirttigi gibi Türkiye en bunaldığı, en sıkıştığı dönemde bir çözüm üretip uzun sure sonra tekrar Turkiye icin umutlarimizi kesmenin ne kadar erken oldugunu gormus olduk CHP kurultayinda.

Bundan sonra beklenilen Tayyip Erdogan’in bile degistigine inanip ona sans veren ancak 6 oka olan antipatisi nedeniyle CHP’ye oy vermeyen halk Kemal Kilicdaroglu ile gelen degisim ruzgariyla CHP’yi iktidara tasiyacak mi? Bence mumkun, ancak oncelikle 12 Eylulde bunun yansimalarini 2011 secimlerinde de sonuclarini gorecegiz.

Çarşı Nedir?

Çarşı kapalının ortasında sıralanan bir grup değildir. Çarşı bir ruhtur. Çarşı, New Yorkda metro trenine yazılmış siyah beyaz bir grafitidir, Prag’da duvara yazılmış bir yazıdır, Erzincan’da bir dağın yamacına yazılmış sevgidir, Adana’da bir rengi bozuk derneğinin duvarlarına boyanmış siyah’la beyazdır, Galatasaray lisesi duvarına yazılmış ‘ÇARŞI ULAN’ işaretidir.

Çarşı Yeni Zelanda’da 1900m yukseklikte Lord of the Rings’in Mordor Dagi’nin hemen yani basinda taşa kazinmiş bir yazidir.

Cok uzatmaksizin, hikayemi anlatayim. 2010′un ilk gunlerinde Ocak ayinin 3′unde Tongariro’ya tracking icin gitmeye karar verdik. Karar verdigimizde bu kadar eglenceli ve zorlu 3 gun gecirecegimi cok da bilmiyordum. Neyse, gezi ile ilgili anilarim farkli bir yazinin konusu olacaktir zaten. 2. gun zirveye ulastigimiz noktada 1900 metre yukseklige geldigimizde aslinda gittigim her ulkede yapmam gereken sey geldi aklima.

Cebimden cikardigim ufak bicakla oradaki bir tasa kazidim Çarşı ismini. Yanimdaki Y.Zelanda’li arkadaslarim “Dur, ne yapiyorsun, olur mu” derken artik Çarşı Yeni Zelanda’da 1900m yukseklikte Lord of the Rings’in Mordor Dagi’nin hemen yani basinda taşa kazinmiş bir yazi olmustu bile.

Artik kus ucmaz kervan gecmez Ulusal Park’ta kac kisi gorur o tasa kazinmis Çarşı yazisini bilmem ama yolu dusen olursa o tasi orada gorebilir.

The Venus Project

Venus Project is a new plan of action for social change; one that works toward a peaceful and sustainable global civilization. The Venus Project proposes resource-based economy, in which the planetary resources are held as the common heritage of all the earth’s inhabitants.

Resource Based Economy

Basically, resource-based economy utilizes existing resources rather than money and provides an equitable method of distributing these resources in the most efficient manner for the entire population. It is a system in which all goods and services are available without the use of money, credits, barter, or any other form of debt or servitude.
They say, It is not money that people need; rather, it is free access to the necessities of life. In a resource-based economy , money would be irrelevant. All that would be required are the resources and the manufacturing and distribution of the products.

A resource-based economy would make it possible to use technology to overcome scarce resources by applying renewable sources of energy, computerizing and automating manufacturing and inventory, designing safe energy-efficient cities and advanced transportation systems, providing universal health care and more relevant education, and most of all by generating a new incentive system based on human and environmental concern.

City Systems

The Venus Project proposes a Research City that would use the most sophisticated available resources and construction techniques. This city will be designed to operate with the minimum expenditure of energy using the cleanest technology available, which will be in harmony with nature to obtain the highest possible standard of living for everyone. This system facilitates efficient transportation for city residents, eliminating the need for automobiles.

At first view project looks like modern Jetsons Planet but it is a new social world system study.

Harbour Capital Marathon

Harbour Capital Marathon runs through Wellington harbour. It starts in Westpac Stadium of Wellington. Track is fast and flat , scenic route around Wellington’s spectacular waterfront. Marathon will run on June 27th 2010.

When I arrived Wellington that track was the first places that I saw in the scenic route. It’s usually first stop for the new visitors of Wellington. It’s an awesome experience to run in this amazing scenic route of Wellington.

After decided to run half marathon, me and Stephane signed up and started trainings. In spite of bad results in the beginning we still continue practising. If I can run this half marathon I will definitely run 15km in Eurasia Marathon.

Burger Fuel

Burger Fuel is New Zealand owned fast food restaurants chain. Burger Fuel is unique and special like all the Kiwi brands.Their brand promise is making gourmet burgers. How McDonald's promise us to provide fastest food, Burger King promises customisable burgers Burger Fuel promises us to create ultimate experience in gourmet burgers.

First time, I ate Burger Fuel in Queen Street of Auckland. Since then Burger Fuel is one of the reason that I love New Zealand. It's very difficult to explain a burger experience. So, you better try.

When you enter the store you can see purple theme while smelling unique Burger Fuel atmosphere. After ordering our burgers (My preference is Bambina Combo) they start to prepare. Yes, they are cooking our meal while we are waiting. Maybe that's the reason of this awesome taste.

They are environmentally friendly in addition to their ultimate gourmet burgers. They even looked at potato chip cups made out of potatoes, but potatoes served in potatoes seemed like some sort of weird tuber incest, says their annual report.

Burger Fuel is expending to other countries as well as different cities in New Zealand. Australia, UAE, Saudi Arabia and Bahrain expansions are also showed as reason of 710.000$.

Maybe, I'm obsess with Burger Fuel but Kiwi made ultimate gourmet burgers made me. Wish to see Burger Fuel all around the world.

Kurbaganin 3 odacikli kalbi

Bugun arkadaslarimla konusurken fark ettik de AIESEC Yeni Zelanda'daki bircok kisinin sosyal anlamda cok basarili olmasinin yaninda analitik dusunce yetenegine sahip olmadiklarini.

Nedir analitik dusunce?
Analitik dusunce, bir konuyu, sorunu ya da problemi alt basliklarina ayristirip tumden gelimle ve her bir basligi ayri ayri irdeleyip elestirerek, ve her biri arasindaki baglantilari gercekci kanitlariyla ortaya koyarak, yani tume varimla dusunmek ve degerlendirmektir.

Biraz daha acik olmak gerekirse elimizde olan verileri algilayabilme sonrasinda bunlari birlestirip ortak bir kaniya bir sonuca ulasabilme yetenegidir. Yaptigimiz calismalarla basariya ulasamiyorsak bunun nedenini saptayabilme ve bununla ilgili yeni cozum onerileri yaratabilme olanagi saglar bize bu analitik dusunce yetenegi.
Genellikle muhendislerin bu analitik dusunme yetenegine sahip oldugu soylenmektedir ve is basvurularinda surekli olarak karsimiza cikip bize sahip olup olmadigimiz sorulmaktadir.

Zeka katsayisi(IQ) daha yuksek olan kisilerin duygusal zeka katsayisi(EQ) yuksek olan kisilere oranla daha fazla sahip analitik dusunce yetenegine sahip oldugunu gormekteyiz.

Peki kurbaganin 3 odacikli kalbiyle analitik dusunme yeteneginin IQ'nun EQ'nun ne alakasi var. Burada bu iki kavramin birlestikleri nokta gelip bizlerin surekli olarak elestirdigi egitim sistemimize dayanmaktadir.

7 yasinda okula basladigimiz ilk gunden itibaren, ozellikle OSS hazirliklari sirasinda daha da yogun bir sekilde elestirdigimiz hayatimizda bizlere hic zaman karsimiza cikmayacagina inandigimiz bazi konular bizim analitik dusunce sistemimizi gelistirdigini fark ettim. Benim de surekli olarak sorguladigim kurbaganin kalbnin 3 odacikli olmasinin bana neler katacagini, hayatimin hangi evresinde beni basariya ulastiracagini simdi biraz daha anlayabiliyorum.

Yeni Zelanda yada dunyanin bircok ulkesindeki egitim sistemi ogrencilerin bir alanda uzmanlasmalarini saglarlarken diger alanlarda kendilerini gelistirmelerini engelliyor ve bunun sonucu olarak topluma ya analitik dusunme yeteneginden yoksun yada cok zeki ancak sosyal olarak ozurlu bireyler yaratabiliyor.
Egitim hayatini devam ettiren bir birey 15 yasindan itibaren hangi alanda okumak istedigini seciyor ve o alanda uzmanlasmaya basliyor. Hayatina da lise hayati boyunca sadece sosyal zekasini yada zeka katsayisini arttiracak egitimi aliyor.

Ornek olarak birey bilgisayar muhendisi yada fizikci olmak istedigi taktirde kendini sosyal anlamda gelistirecek, entellektuel bilgi birikimini arttiracak konularda kendini gelistiremeyip sosyal iliskilerinde cok basarisiz bir birey haline gelebiliyor.

Universite yillarina geldiginde ise beyaz yakali olarak devam etmek istedigini varsaydiginiz birrey Turkiye'de bizlerin yaptigi gibi Isletme bolumunu secerek Yonetim, Iktisat, Insan Kaynaklari, Pazarlama, Hukuk, Is Etigi gibi konularin hepsini ogrenmek yerine sadece 1 yada 2 alanda (Pazarlama ve Satis yada Muhasebe) uzmanlasarak egitim hayatlarini bitiriyorlar.
Ford tarzi uretimde de gordugumuz uzmanlasma bir bireyin surekli olarak vida sıkmasini bu alanda uzmanlasmasini ve cok hizli bir sekilde gorevini yapabilme yetenegi kazanmasi ancak kendini farkli alanlarda uzmanlasmasini engellemektedir.

2 sistemin de yarattigi basarili sonuclar ve farkli sorunlar bulunmaktadir. Turkiye'deki egitim sistemiyle yetismis bir birey 1 alanda uzmanlasamaz ancak cesitli alanlarda kendini gelistirme imkani bulurken , Yeni Zelanda'da yetisen birey de sadece beyninin bir bolumunu gelistirip sosyal ozurlu yada analitik dusunme yeteneginden yoksun olabiliyor.

Never try never fail

I decided to start blogging again. This will be 3rd time that I am trying and I don't know if I can succeed this time but never try never fail.

Beside my New Zealand experience I will write about my ideas too. Let's see